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【画像】 2016年の鉄腕アトムさんを御覧下さい


【画像】 2016年の鉄腕アトムさんを御覧下さい

1: 膝靭帯固め(青森県)@\(^o^)/ 2016/03/09(水) 13:04:58.11 ID:GD4edEu80?2BP(9400)
鉄腕アトム リブートプロジェクトポスター
no title

The staff of the French, Monaco, and Japanese Astro Boy reboot project unveiled a poster for the
project last month at the Monaco Anime Game International Conferences (MAGIC) event.
The poster shows more of the characters designed for the series.

Japan’s Tezuka Productions, France’s Caribara Animation, and Monaco’s Shibuya Productions are
collaborating on the series using both 2D and CG techniques.

The show’s planned 26 episodes will target children from eight to twelve years of age, and Shibuya
Productions founder Cedric Biscay notes that the producers have the right to create a brand new story,
as Tezuka Productions owns the intellectual property to the franchise.

The teaser credits Florian Thouret as the director and graphic designer, Yuichiro Maeda for the music,
and Chiyako Maeda for the voice.


ASTROBOY Reboot Teaser



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